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Why we like the overhead squat

The overhead squat is a great exercise because it is excellent for training the strength and stability of your shoulders and core. It’s also helps you to mobilize your thoracic spine, ankles, and hips, and will help you feel more comfortable at the very bottom of a squat, front squat, or snatch.

Tips for getting your overhead squat right

  • Start with a good squat – if you haven’t got a good squat to begin with then you need to go back to the basics fist
  • Start light! Don’t waste time going too heavy too soon. Start with a length of towel or a piece of wooden dowel and increase the weight in very small increments.
  • Get some proper instruction – another reason people don’t get it right is that they haven’t had correct technique correction. You can join us in a Small Group Training Strength session or see one of the Hiscoes Trainers if you want to get someone to have a look at your technique.
  • Read coach Glassman’s Training Tips from the Crossfit Library for getting a good overhead OVERHEAD SQUAT

Some overhead squat variations:

single arm kettlebell overheadsquatSingle arm kettlebell overhead Squat

Hold a kettlebell in your hand and extend your arm so it’s directly above your head and stand with your legs just ever so slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squat, keeping the kettlebell extended overhead and hold your other arm out at shoulder height for balance.


Medicine-Overhead-squatMedicine Ball overhead squat

Hold the medicine ball over your head, while externally rotating the shoulders. Keep your arms locked and vertical (don’t let them bend or drop forward). Maintain thoracic spine extension throughout the movement. Squat as deep as you can maintaining neutral spine, heels on the ground and knees tracking over toes.

TRX Overhead Squat

Watch the vid: