
Detoxify, relieve pain, increase oxygen & blood circulation

Infra-red Sauna


Infrared light has been shown to promote cell autophagy, a critical process our body undergoes to ensure cells are renewed and restored or killed off. Infrared all keeps our circulation up whilst resting the muscles after a workout to help clear out lactic acid bring vital nutrients and enzymes to the muscle for repair

Reduce Stress

Infrared sauna activates our parasympathetic nervous system which is in charge of making us calm before bed and set’s us up for sleep, couple this with in-cabin colour therapy using the energy of colour to assist the body with its own natural ability to heal, energise and soothe.

Burn Calories

Infrared Sauna get’s the body working…hard. During higher temperature sessions, heart rate can reach 150bpm. Sustaining this level of work requires a calorie burn and commitment!

Ready to experience the benefits of infrared? Member casual $25

Why is infrared sauna good for me?

How does it work?

Infrared is a safe wavelength of light (or energy) which we feel as heat. Infrared works by heating the body directly, warming us safely to create a cardiovascular workout on the body whilst removing heavy metals and toxins. Infrared is different to steam or hot rocks sauna in that it heats the body at a lower more comfortable temperature.


What is infrared therapy? And how is it different to traditional saunas?

Infrared heat therapy is the process of infrared light penetrating several inches into the body’s deep tissue and creating heat, resulting in a whole-body hyperthermia to make you sweat. Traditional saunas heat the air around you to encourage your body to sweat out toxins however usually this just leaves people uncomfortable and struggling to breathe in the stuffy conditions! With an infrared sauna the gentle heat will radiate to the core of your body.

Can I wear clothes in the sauna?

Yes, absolutely! As our sauna is in a shared space you will be more comfortable clothed. We suggest swimwear or clean gym-wear. The infrared heat technology will not depend on what you’re wearing, and you will still feel all the same benefits.

How should I prepare for my sauna?

To best enjoy your Infra-Red Sauna remember to properly hydrate before. Please bring your WATER BOTTLE. Hydration is very important.

There’s no need to bring anything else with you. Please arrive on time as there will be bookings after you. Your time in the sauna will run for 35 mins.


Can I bring my device or phone?

You can bring your phone or device and there is a bluetooth option if you want to listen to a podcast or some relaxing music. We recommend you leave it outside the sauna as it will warm up.

Can anyone use the sauna?

Please consult your doctor before using the infrared sauna if you suffer from any of the following

– Cardiovascular issues

– Obesity

– Diabetes or other chronic conditions

– Haemophilia

– Allergy to natural wood oils/resins

Children and pregnant women should avoid using the infrared sauna. Hiscoes also advises against using the sauna under the influence of drugs, alcohol or strong medication.


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