Step into our group fitness studio and discover a range of classes tailored to suit every preference and fitness level. From heart-pumping cardio workouts to muscle-toning sessions, mind-body connection through yoga and Pilates, high-energy dance-inspired routines, and much more – Hiscoes has a group fitness class for everyone.

For more tailored strength training workouts – see our Small Group Training.

Classic Classes

Group size maximum 25, general classes for all levels, Hiscoes offers:

BODYPUMP, the original LES MILLS™ barbell class

Freestyle Spin and LES MILLS SPRINT a 30-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout, using an indoor bike to achieve fast results.

Traditional Yoga & Mat Pilates, PLUS HIIT yoga and HIIT Pilates – a fusion of heart-pumping HIIT using low impact yoga and Pilates moves.

Not into yoga? We also offer STRETCH classes.

Boxing and Kick-boxing: with a range of classes from technique to cardio & Muay Thai style kick-boxing you can unleash your inner fighter.

DANCE Fitness: Hiscoes is home to RETROSWEAT, 1980s freestyle aerobic workout! Inspired by the original VHS workouts made famous by the likes of Jane Fonda, Shannon Dooley fuses the era’s iconic steps – grapevines, flick-kicks and deep squats –  with her own choreography to a fantastic 80s soundtrack that changes each week. We also offer Zumba, Salsa and Step Coreography – for those up for a challenge



Our Team training group sessions are a short, intense style of functional training that gets fast results. The 30 minutes off real effort you put into your workout drives your body to burn calories long after the sessions has ended. Our Small Groups of 12 mean you don’t get lost in the crowd.

Session Types:

  • Conditioning; using dumbbells and kettlebells for strength & endurance
  • Cardio to get the heart pumping
  • Hybrid, a powerful mix of both!
  • Foam Rolling for fascia release

Small Group Personal Training

STRENGTH: Periodised weight-training programs in groups of maximum 8. Expect similar results to personal training.

X-TRAINING: A powerful mix of cardio and weight training for fast results. Think Crossfit minus the ego and injuries.

MOVEMENT & MOBILITY: we work on balance, range of motion and playful bodyweight training.