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“What to do after over-indulging” – Giselle Hanson (Health Coach)

1. The most important thing is to be kind to yourself. 

  • One day of eating isn’t going to change your life. It’s your response to this that matters, your body can handle it!
  • Acknowledge what’s happened and use it as a learning experience.

2. Water

  • If you’ve had a lot of sugar, having plenty of water afterwards can help flush it out. Dehydration will make you feel worse.

3. Fresh Air

  • It’s likely that you will feel lethargic and generally yuck. Getting some fresh air will help you breathe better and get more oxygen to your brain and make you feel better.

4. Exercise

  • Excess calories? Why not use them? Exercise will release endorphins and take you out of the food coma.
  • Don’t get caught up in the “I’ll burn the calories off later” mindset because it’s likely you can’t, and even if you can, this type of compensatory eating is a slippery slope.

5. Plan your next meals

  • Move on from what’s just happened. Look forward to your next few nourishing meals – How can you make them as satisfying and nutritious as possible?

6. Triggers and action plan

  • What lead to the excess?
  • How can you equip yourself to avoid it next time? Don’t buy the things you go nuts for, have healthy alternatives and an alternative response!

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