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It’s so hard to stay motivated in the wet weather, but exercise is a proven mood booster, so here are 5 tips to get you motivated to get out of the house and into the gym.

1. Write it down

Or put it in your phone calendar… whatever works for you, but plan for your week ahead on Sunday night.  I post this schedule somewhere I can see it: my desk, fridge, etc. There is something about putting it in writing that motivates me to actually make it happen. Also, is there anything more satisfying than crossing something off after it is done? Not really.

2. Make it a date

When making your training plan for the week, try to coordinate with a friend. This always helps keep me accountable and is a great way to catch up. I love to grab coffee or brunch (or beers) after a good sweat session with a girlfriend. Sometimes it’s hard fit everything in to your week, this way you can hang out and stay fit – two birds with one stone!

3. Try something new and book now

Feeling in a rut with your workout routine plus wet weather is a sure fire way to guarantee that workouts will be skipped. Trying out a new class helps to break up the sometimes-monotonous nature of working out, and is often very motivating. See the latest timetable here are some ideas— Afro-step, HIIT 9Rounds Boxing Circuit, Beginner Squash Coaching 

4. Treat yourself

It’s ok to congratulate yourself after a tough workout or week of workouts- maybe it’s a delicious protein smoothie after your workout or maybe you can set a goal of 12 sessions in 21 days and if you achieve it you get to go out and buy some new fun workout gear. Figure out what makes it worth it for you!

5. Use this time to get ahead

You might have set a goal at the start of the year, that you’ve lost track of. You can use this time to get yourself back on track and heading towards it. Maybe it’s to run the City2Surf this year – you’ve still got plenty of time. Meet one of our trainers and get a sports (goal) specific training plan.

So get to the gym and get sweating!